Image: 5 of Cups card from the Dark Mansion Tarot deck

Grief Through the Holidays

The topic of grief can hit hard during the holidays, it’s a time when we often have memories that resurface but have no place to land. Let’s hold community space in support of each other as we share how the holidays lean into our grief.

Let’s talk about grief for a moment, shall we. Grief comes in many forms, there is grief when someone loses a job, a relationship, or a pet. There is grief when your normal day to day life has been uprooted by seen or unforeseen circumstances. There is grief when someone we had a close relationship with transitions out of this life. There are many more situations where grief can come knocking on your door. Sometimes we want to go through and process grief by ourselves but often times we want to talk and share and cry with someone by our side. The purpose of this workshop is to do just that, allow you the opportunity to share with a community of folks who are also traveling through the grief process. Where there is community, there is support. During this 5 week workshop we will be covering the following

  • How does grief show up during the holidays

  • To celebrate or not, what else is possible?

  • How can you honor your grief during the holidays?

  • Reclaiming your joy

  • Bending into your new reality

What to expect:

  • Come with an open mind and a willingness to explore your feelings

  • It’s always a good idea to journal your feeling and aha moments

  • There is no such thing as a stupid question or weird feelings

  • Do what you need to do to take care of yourself, eat/drink, cuddle up in a blanket and….

  • It’s definitely OKAY to cry

I look forward to seeing you in the workshop, let’s get down to the logistics

  • All classes will be via Zoom so you can participate from anywhere

  • Grief Through the Holidays workshop dates are every Wednesday evening starting on Oct 16th, Oct 23rd, Oct 30th, Nov 6th, and Nov 13th 2024

  • The time will be from 5:30-7pm PST

  • Cost is $125 which covers all 5 classes

Note: I never want money to get in the way of someone’s healing. If you would like to attend but can not pay the full cost, I have created scholarship discounts. You will enter these codes at checkout. These discount codes are on the honor system so please only use what you need.

  • “GTH25” takes 25% off and reduces the total cost to $93.75

  • “GTH50” takes 50% off and reduces the total cost to $62.50