Couples Session

Love isn’t always enough, but it’s definitely a start. Building a strong foundation is key to any healthy relationship. Understanding each other as individuals and respecting one another as such is one of the building blocks to a strong union. Let’s tap into the energies of your higher self that guide you from within everyday.

A Couples Session can support you in many ways

  1. Find insight into what both you and your partner want and need from each other

  2. Find out what energies are blocking the progression of the relationship

  3. Find out what hurts are still lingering in the shadows of the relationship

  4. Learn how to resolve recurring patterns within the relationship

  5. Learn tools to heal and restore the relationship if that is the desired outcome.

Relationships come in many forms and are not always romantic. Couples Reading can also mean family members, co-workers or any two people who want to strengthen their relationship.

Rooted 2 Spirit welcomes with open arms all genders, race and belief systems.

What to expect:

  • Come with an open mind, ready to learn how to be your best self within your relationship.

  • Come with a positive attitude so you can attract more of what your soul wants.

  • Be easy on yourself, the Universe is abundant and will give you what you need.

  • The session will be held virtual via Zoom so you can choose to be together or in separate locations.

  • The session will last for 90 minutes at $250

  • You can schedule one session or multiple sessions at time of booking