Rooted 2 Spirit

Tarot Doula ~ What is it?

Rooted 2 Spirit= The understanding that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. The knowing that we can connect (2) to our spiritual being knowledge either through self or through higher spiritual beings including those who have since transitioned out of this earth.

Tarot= 78 cards of energy, 22 of which represent big life changing events, 40 of which represent emotions and day-to-day experiences, and finally 16 of which represent personal archetypes.

Doula= A person who provides guidance and support

I use the 78 energies of Tarot to connect with higher knowledge. I believe that our loved ones who have crossed over are always waiting to hear from us and guide us in our day to day adventures as well as the big events in our lives. Since we each have our own spirit team made up of loved ones, angels, spirit guides and higher beings, we have the ability to tap into the knowledge that is yet undiscovered. As we journey together during your sessions we will discover what is at the heart of your situation. Together we will walk towards a desired goal.  You will learn that you have the power to turn your visions/daydreams into your reality.

Now, a little Tarot talk. First off, I use Tarot in each and every session with the exception of the Just Listen Sessions. I use Tarot as a guide to link us to the subconscious mind and also to higher knowledge. I believe in the power of you and the power of me, the cards are a link to help us discover that power. The Tarot, as they say, speaks unbiased truth which is what you will receive during our sessions, truth through the channel of love. With your truth discovered, you will be able to walk through a new threshold of life.

As a Tarot Doula, I am here to listen, which actually is the most important part of what I do. Another vital role I will play in our sessions, is to be a support and a team player for you! Yes, I will be cheering for the team that is you and you alone. I’ll have my spiritual jersey on and I’ll be ready to encourage you from all directions coming! Now, I can’t do it for you, but I can walk with you through it. Let’s light some sage and talk about what’s on your mind.

I offer one on one, couples, and family sessions. All sessions can be booked as a one time session or ongoing multiple sessions at time of booking!

What else do you do Vanessa?

  • Just Listen sessions

  • House Blessings

  • Mentoring

  • Workshops

  • Community projects, in person or virtual

click below to find out all about it!!!

R2S Mentoring 

  • Are you ready to redefine/rebrand yourself?

  • Are you ready to release the hold of old beliefs that no longer align with your soul

  • Are you ready to have a relationship with your higher source on your own terms?

  • Do you want someone to walk through this process with you?

In R2S Mentoring, that is exactly what I will do. I too, had a complete spiritual makeover and I fumbled along the way and that is totally okay, it was an amazing learning experience. After being overwhelmed with so many options outside of my former organized affiliation, I turned to a Master Teacher, Medicine Man, and he helped guide and point me towards my own path. I’ve done a lot of work and it has landed me to a place of peace and self love. If you choose so, I will stand in the gap and be the bowl that holds space for you through your journey.

Free Community Classes

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Upcoming Workshops:

Grief Through the Holidays